
Monday 9 June 2014

Bye bye ESO!

So this post is going to be like an award show! I'll be chosing my best post and the best blog of my class!

And the award for the BEST POST goes to...


I've chosen this post because whenever I read it I laugh a lot. Maybe it doesn't make you laugh as much as it makes me laugh, but that's because I remember myself lying in a sofa half dead whining because I couldn't go shopping. That image is on my mind and it's a bit ridiculous. But well, isn't it good to learn to laugh at myself? I think that the post shows exactly what I felt in that moment, so it's a nice post. I chose it between the others because it's a bit funny and shows a bit about myself (how ridiculous I can be when I'm ill).

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for...

And the award for the BEST BLOG goes to...


I've chosen this blog because it's really really nice! I love the background, as well as the theme of the blog and, of course the posts! I think everything gets on well and that it's been made with enthusiasm. The posts are well written and the topics that Andrea chose are quite interesting. The pictures that she posted are nice as well.

It was very difficult to chose one blog, but I think that this one deserves to be the best blog of the class! Check it out, you won't regret it!


Monday 2 June 2014

MY WORLD: "Just another night" by Icona pop

A few weeks ago I listened this song, Just another night, in the radio for the first time. I think it's a really nice song and it makes you dance. The band is Icona pop. I like this song because it reminds me a lot of summer!

Here you have the lyrics, the translation and the original music video!

Lyrics translation!
Ensopegant amb les esquerdes de la vorera
Una altra nit que es malgasta
Observant el teu nom
Observant el teu nom

Crec que estàs de festa a algún lloc al centre de la ciutat
Em pregunto amb qui ballaràs ara
Fas el mateix?
Fas el mateix?

Tanco els ulls i encara estem despullats
Però llavors veig que el meu rellotge ha canviat
Es només una altra nit
a l'altre costat.

Oh oh... oh oh oh
Es només una altra nit
a l'altre costat.
Oh oh... oh oh oh
Es només una altra nit
a l'altre costat
a l'altre costat.

Amagant-se al metro amb els nens "guais"
Només escullo que no vull escollir.
Vivim vides diferents
Vivim vides diferents.

Hi haurà alguna manera entre nosaltres,
Enderrocar els murs de secrets
Es només una altra nit
a l'altre costat.

Oh oh... oh oh oh
Es només una altra nit
a l'altre costat.
Oh oh... oh oh oh
Es només una altra nit
a l'altre costat
a l'altre costat.

Res ens mantindrà hostatges
No vull que res pari això aquesta nit
Oh creus que ho hem perdut
Només vine a mi.

Hi haurà alguna manera entre nosaltres,
Enderrocar els murs de secrets
Es només una altra nit
a l'altre costat.

Official music video!

Sunday 1 June 2014

MY WORLD: PODCAST - Persuasion

MY WORLD: Persuasion

So I read this book, Persuasion, by Jane Austen, and I loved it! I had read Pride and Prejudice before (in spanish) and I also loved it, so I expected this book to be as great as the other.

The story is about Anne Elliot, a woman in her late twenties, unmarried and the daughter of Sir Walter Elliot, a baronet. Her mother died when she was young and Lady Russell, her mother's friend, treated her like a daughter. When Anne was nineteen a young man, Frederick Wentworth, asked for her hand in marriage. Althought they were in love, she rejected him because Lady Russell adviced her not to marry him, because she couldn't see any future for the couple.

Eight years later, Anne's family moves to Bath, but she goes to visit her sister Mary, who married Charles Musgrove. Then, Frederick (now Captain Wentworth) returns as a rich captain with some ships. He wants to get married, but he's no longer interested in Anne, the one who broke his heart. He focuses on Louisa and Henrietta Musgrove, Charles' sisters, instead. Anne has to suffer for a long time seeing him flirting with the two girls, because she's still in love with him.

After a lot events happening, they end up toghether.

I really like the story because it's tragic and it makes you suffer for Anne, but also for Captain Wentworth. Don't worry, I don't consider myself a masochist, but these kind of stories have something special that makes you remember them. I think it may be that they seem more real, because love is not a path of roses, sometimes it's difficult. Showing their story in this way it seems more familiar and possible. Also, I loved the main character, Anne. I felt pity for her because everyone wanted her to do things for them but no one cared about what she wanted or about her feelings. It was like she was only visible when they needed her but invisible for the rest of the time. She knew how to treat everyone, and what to do in every situation, so I think that she's a brilliant character.

PODCAST: Describing a picture