
Monday 27 January 2014

A song for a writer

So yesterday I was searching for music when I found this song: Poet by Bastille. Bastille is a band that I really like so I was curious about this song i hadn't heard before. When I searched for the lyrics this song got totally stuck in my mind, playing on and on. I think that's because I want to e a writer and I find the lyrics' meaning is perfect for a writer. Here you have the song:

"Poet" -- Translate the lyrics!

L'obsessió pren el control
L'obsessió em menja sencer
No puc dir les paraules en veu alta
Així que amb una rima et vaig escriure
Ara viurás per les eres
Puc sentir el teu pols a les pàgines.

T'he escrit
Ara viuràs per sempre
I tot el món et llegirà
I viuràs per sempre
En ulls encara no creats
En llengües que no han nascut
T'he escrit
Ara viuràs per sempre.

El teu cos resta sobre els llençols,
De paper i paraules dolces.
No puc dir les paraules,
aixó que et vaig escriure en el meu vers.
Ara viurás per les eres
Puc sentir el teu pols a les pàgines.

T'he escrit
Ara viuràs per sempre
I tot el món et llegirà
I viuràs per sempre
En ulls encara no creats
En llengües que no han nascut
T'he escrit
Ara viuràs per sempre.

L'he llegit amb aquests ulls,
l'he llegit amb aquests ulls,
l'he subjectat amb aquestes mans.

T'he escrit,
Ara viuràs per sempre.
Les virtuts són al vers,
I ara viuràs per sempre.

T'he escrit
Ara viuràs per sempre
I tot el món et llegirà
I viuràs per sempre
En ulls encara no creats
En llengües que no han nascut
T'he escrit
Ara viuràs per sempre.

Monday 13 January 2014

MY WORLD: New Year's resolutions

Well, I don't really have any New Year's resolutions, but I guess I can think of some things that I would like to change. I'll do a Top 7 for this post!

1! Get fit! Thats something that I would like to do, but it's going to be hard to achieve. I'll go running (or walking), do some exercise... I don't know, I still have to think about it. That includes losing weight.

2! Be more confident? I think that's an important one for a shy person like me. I would like to change that, but it's going to last a little longer.

3! Eat healthier! Leave pizza behind and hug vegetables, and soups and... I'll try, but I think this is more reachable.

4! I would like to read more books (I've got some in mind), but I never have time to do it! For 2014 I'll try to have more spare time.

5! Try to get a work this summer. Last summer, I helped my father in his bar and I would like to do it again.

6! Get my ear pierced! That's a thing that I've wanted for a long time, but now that my mother has finally given up, it's totally reachable! I've always found ear piercings beautiful.

7! Write a novel and send it somewhere to get it published. That would be a dream come true! I've already started to write a novel, but now I have to finish it!

Well, these are my New Year's resolutions. Now I have to achieve them (good luck for me).
Happy New Year 2014!

MY WORLD: Christmas time :)

I think Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. I really like Christmas break because it's when I meet with my family, when we reunite all together and have fun. Christmas time sweetens everyone, people are kinder and warmer, because it's time to give and recieve. When you walk down the street, you can feel that feeling of celebration in the air.
I love the decoration that fills the streets, the houses, the shops... Everything is brighter and more beautiful.
People chane their minds at Christmas, they have the shopaholic mode on (most of people). They start buying presents for everyone, or for the closest ones in their lives. They want to make them happy. You can see it specially when it's Christmas Eve, when "Santa Claus is coming to town", or here, in Catalonia, the "Caga Tió", a catalan tradition (a little bit violent, but funny), and the Three Wise Men! Children get really excited... And adults too!
My Christmas has been wonderful, as always, althought this year I went to Barcelona with my family.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014!