
Monday 31 March 2014

MY WORLD: A day in fair Barcelona

Last week, on Thursday, we went on a trip to Barcelona. We were all really excited, not because of the activities we were going to do, but because of the free time we were going to have in the city. We got in the bus and left the high school at a quarter past eight. It was a long, long trip until we arrived to Barcelona. To keep us from boredom, we listened to music and took silly pictures all the time.We got off the bus at half past ten, in front of the Hard Rock Cafe, in the big and crowded Plaça Catalunya. 
We separated in groups to do the interviews. I went with Rosó and Sandra. We stayed at Portal de l'Àngel Street and, in about ten minutes, we had done four interviews to tourists. We interviewed a French woman, a Japanese girl, a Dutch woman and a German woman and her mother.
Finally, we had free time! We entered in all the clothes shops of the street. Bershka, Stradivarius, H&M, Pull and Bear... I'm only going to say that if the teachers thought we wouldn't buy a lot of things, they were wrong.
At one o'clock we went to the meeting point in the cathedral. The teachers took a picture of the whole group of students and then we went to Pans to have lunch. We finished at two o'clock.
We returned to do our shopping, getting angry at the queues of the changing rooms, struggling to put the shopping bags in our school bags... We wanted to go everywhere and do everything, but we hadn't much time left.
At half past three we went to Plaça Catalunya and got the bus to the Teatre Nacional. We went there to see a play called Doña Rosita la soltera o el lenguaje de las flores, by Federico García Lorca. We waited until five o'clock to enter to the theatre. The play fisnished at a quarter past seven. I have to say that it was a little bit difficult for me to understand, because they spoke in verse, but it was a nice play.

When we were about to get in the bus, everyone started to get hungry. We couldn't eat inside the bus thought, and we weren't going to stop until we arrived at Castelló d'Empúries. Because of that, the trip felt like hours and hours long.
When we arrived at the high school, my father came to pick me up and I went home. It was a really nice day in fair Barcelona (I still have a bit of Romeo and Juliet inspiration), something to repeat!  


Differences between the film and the book of Romeo and Juliet

1.SETTING: The first fight of the story, in the film, takes place at the petrol station and, in the book, it takes place in the streets of Verona. The movie is set in 20th Century and the book is written in the 16th Century. 

2. IMAGERY: Water means love in the film, in all the important love scenes between Romeo and Juliet happen near the water.The fire represents the hate between the Capulets and the Montagues.

Day and night; at night they can love beause nobody can see them, but at dayllight they can't love because the people can see them. The moon is the sun of their love.

3. LANGUAGE: In the film everybody except the narrator speak in prose, the others speak in verse. The narrator is the reporter of the news on TV.

4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY: The fancy party; The costume of Paris means that he think he's superior to the others. Juliet's costume is an angel because in the book, when Romeo sees her he thinks she's so fair that she's an angel. Romeo's costume is a knight because he's Juliet's Prince Charming and Knight of shining armour.

5. ELEMENTS: in the film they fight with guns and in the book they fight with swords, there are cars instead of horses, and the beach represents the streets of Verona.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

MY WORLD: The Blind Side

Last Sunday night I was lying on the couch when a movie started on TV. I was lazy and I wanted to see something else but my mother wanted to see it. The thing is that I liked it, so I'm going to tell you what was it about.

The film is named "The Blind Side" and it's based on a true story. It stars Sandra Bullock and Quinton Aaron. It's the story of a woman, Leigh Anne Tuohy, that finds a guy called Michael Oher on the street, shivering because it's a cold night. He pretends to sleep in the street, but she takes him home with her family. She starts to know a bit more about him. He's 17 and his mother does drugs. Because of that he was taken from her when he was seven and has lived in many houses, but has always escaped. He starts to become one more in the Tuohy family, they let him live in their house and treat him like a son. Leigh Anne becomes his guardian (legal tutor). Michael gets into the football team of his highschool. He's very talented and a lot of universities start to compete to get him into their football teams. Finally he gets in a university and has a happy ending.

I liked this film because Leigh Anne Tuohy, the mother, was very generous. She helped him a lot and never asked for anything in return. If she hadn't helped Michael he would have been living in a poor situation for much time. In the film he said that he had never had a bed, and that was heartbreaking for me. But at the end everything is ok and they're all happy, so I'm happy.

Sandra Bullock won an oscar for her role in this film.

Here's the trailer!

Monday 10 March 2014

MY WORLD: Thinking about the future

Lately I've been a bit worried because I've realised that I don't know what to do in the future. Our teachers gave us a file with all the options we have after we finish 4th ESO. That's when all my problems started.

Every week I change my opinion on what job I would like to get. How am I supposed to know what I want to do? It seems that I have a lot of options, but at the same time too few. There are lots and lots of careers with strange names, and I wonder what's the job hiding behind those names.

Well, I do know what I would like to be. I would love to be a writer. Althought, I know that I must get prepared for another job, because I don't really know if I'm that good at writing. Whatever job I finally get (if I get one) I will still write anyways, even if I can't publish anything.

Now you see why I am so worried. All the week thinking about this and, now that I've written it down, I can see how completly lost I am. Why? Why is it so difficult to decide? What am I going to do?

Romantic film: One day

I'm not too much into romantic movies but I really like this one. Actually, it made me cry.

The film is about the story of two friends, Dexter and Emma. Althought they are friends, they secretly love each other. Through the years they change a lot, but that unconfessed love they share never changes. The film shows us their lives through twenty years, always the same day: the day they met.

I think that this film is very beautiful and emotional, but it's very sad too. This love story is not unique, there are lots of people that love each other but never say anything about it, and that is like a waste of time when they actually want de same thing: to be toghether. Moreover if they end up confessing their feelings, they realise how much time they've been waiting unnecessarily. Sometimes what we don't have is time and we should spend it with the ones we love, not living with the doubt of what may have been or could be. 

And here's the trailer!

Monday 3 March 2014

SUMMARY: Romeo and Juliet

This story happens in the city of Verona, where two families, The Montagues and the Capulets, have been fighting and hating each other for hundreds of years. One day there's a fight in the street and the Prince of Verona says that if they fight again they'll be killed or banished from the city. Lord Capulet organises a party and Romeo, Lord Montague's son, wants to go there because he wants to meet a girl he loves. But then he meets Juliet, Lod Capulet's daughter, and they fall in love. They confess their love and, in secret, they get married with the help of their friend, Friar Lawrence. But Lord Capulet, who doesn't know about Juliet's marriage, says that she'll marry Paris, a noble man. More over, Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, attacks Romeo and kills Mercutio (Romeo's friend) before Romeo kills him. This is the reason why the Prince banishes Romeo from Verona. To stop her marriage and escape with Romeo, Juliet and Friar Lawrence plan that she'll drink a potion that will make her seem dead while another friar goes to tell Romeo. But that friar couldn't arrive to where Romeo was and Romeo thinks Juliet is dead. He manages to get some poison and goes to the Capulet's tomb to see Juliet's corpse. There he finds Paris and kills him. Romeo drinks the poison and dies. Friar Lawrence arrives to the tomb and Juliet wakes up. When she sees that Romeo is dead, she stabs herself and dies. Then, the Capulets and the Montagues arrive and Friar Lawrence tells them the story of the tragic couple, telling them that love, and not hate, is the only way to live toghether.

A quote I love from Romeo and Juliet is "She is more beautiful than the moon. She is like a bright jewel in the darkness. She is like a dove among crows. I have never loved until now."

Here's the trailer of a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, which I think is really nice because they speak in old English.

Which side are you on? Capulets or Montagues? Or are you in the love side?