
Monday 31 March 2014

Differences between the film and the book of Romeo and Juliet

1.SETTING: The first fight of the story, in the film, takes place at the petrol station and, in the book, it takes place in the streets of Verona. The movie is set in 20th Century and the book is written in the 16th Century. 

2. IMAGERY: Water means love in the film, in all the important love scenes between Romeo and Juliet happen near the water.The fire represents the hate between the Capulets and the Montagues.

Day and night; at night they can love beause nobody can see them, but at dayllight they can't love because the people can see them. The moon is the sun of their love.

3. LANGUAGE: In the film everybody except the narrator speak in prose, the others speak in verse. The narrator is the reporter of the news on TV.

4. THE FANCY DRESS PARTY: The fancy party; The costume of Paris means that he think he's superior to the others. Juliet's costume is an angel because in the book, when Romeo sees her he thinks she's so fair that she's an angel. Romeo's costume is a knight because he's Juliet's Prince Charming and Knight of shining armour.

5. ELEMENTS: in the film they fight with guns and in the book they fight with swords, there are cars instead of horses, and the beach represents the streets of Verona.

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