
Monday 31 March 2014

MY WORLD: A day in fair Barcelona

Last week, on Thursday, we went on a trip to Barcelona. We were all really excited, not because of the activities we were going to do, but because of the free time we were going to have in the city. We got in the bus and left the high school at a quarter past eight. It was a long, long trip until we arrived to Barcelona. To keep us from boredom, we listened to music and took silly pictures all the time.We got off the bus at half past ten, in front of the Hard Rock Cafe, in the big and crowded Plaça Catalunya. 
We separated in groups to do the interviews. I went with Rosó and Sandra. We stayed at Portal de l'Àngel Street and, in about ten minutes, we had done four interviews to tourists. We interviewed a French woman, a Japanese girl, a Dutch woman and a German woman and her mother.
Finally, we had free time! We entered in all the clothes shops of the street. Bershka, Stradivarius, H&M, Pull and Bear... I'm only going to say that if the teachers thought we wouldn't buy a lot of things, they were wrong.
At one o'clock we went to the meeting point in the cathedral. The teachers took a picture of the whole group of students and then we went to Pans to have lunch. We finished at two o'clock.
We returned to do our shopping, getting angry at the queues of the changing rooms, struggling to put the shopping bags in our school bags... We wanted to go everywhere and do everything, but we hadn't much time left.
At half past three we went to Plaça Catalunya and got the bus to the Teatre Nacional. We went there to see a play called Doña Rosita la soltera o el lenguaje de las flores, by Federico García Lorca. We waited until five o'clock to enter to the theatre. The play fisnished at a quarter past seven. I have to say that it was a little bit difficult for me to understand, because they spoke in verse, but it was a nice play.

When we were about to get in the bus, everyone started to get hungry. We couldn't eat inside the bus thought, and we weren't going to stop until we arrived at Castelló d'Empúries. Because of that, the trip felt like hours and hours long.
When we arrived at the high school, my father came to pick me up and I went home. It was a really nice day in fair Barcelona (I still have a bit of Romeo and Juliet inspiration), something to repeat!  


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