
Wednesday 11 December 2013

My first term reflection

I think there's a lot of difference between last year and and 4th ESO. I like beign in class with people of other classes. I like the things we've done, but the thing I enjoy the most is writting on the blog. I think it's a good idea for students to express themselves. I thik all the tasks and my worlds have helped me a lot. I liked when we saw the movie, Sleepy Hollow, too. For me, the think I've liked less is the "My hero" task. I didn't know what to say.

For the second term I would like to work with songs, translating lyrics... I would like to see more movies because for me it's really helpful, it makes you listen to what they're saying and different ways of talking. I think that we should do more speaking activities because pronunciation is very important, too.

Generally, I like the activities we did this term and how were the classes.

Sunday 8 December 2013

MY WORLD: The fly

The fly is a story written by George Langelaan. I've read it in English class.

It's the story of a man named François Delambre who lives in Paris and owns a factory. One night, his sister-in-law, Hélène, calls him and tells him she has killed his husband André in the steam hammer of the factory and that he has to warn the police to go there. François and Commisaire Charas go then to the factory where the police has already arrived. André's body is found under the steam hammer, and Hélène insists that she has killed him. Commisaire Charas and François himself ask her a lot of questions but she refuses to reply to the most important ones, about André's death and why she killed him. Hélène is declared mad and sent to an asylum for the criminally insane. Her and André's son, Henri, goes to live with François. In the asylum, Hélène is obsessed on catching flies, examine them and  then release them. One day Henri explains to François that he had found a strange fly the day his father died, that his mother made him release it but then asked him to find it again. François goes to the asylum and talks to Hélène, that finally gives him some papers that contain her confession.
Hélène's confession explains that her husband was doing strange experiments. He could transfer objects and animals from one booth to another (in the next room), allowing him to teleport things. One day he did an experiment trying to transfer himself, but a fly got intoe booth and the result is that he ends up having an arm and the head of a fly, and that there's a fly with a white head and a strange leg. The only way to reverse the experiment wasgetting him and the fly again in the booth, and that's why Hélène wants to find the strange fly. Hélène helped André but another experiment went wrong and André said that Hélène had to kill him with the steam hammer because he was a monster. She did it.

After reading the confession, François shows it to Commisaire Charas. Hélène has commit suicide in the asylum, but the proof is the confession. Althought the Commisaire and François burn the papers. François says then that in the cementery he killed a fly with a white head.

I really like this story. It's mysterious and impactant. I think that the writer has a great imagination by reading this. It's a sad story too, but I don't understand why the strange fly was so important if André was already dead.

MY WORLD: The Landlady

The Landlady is a story written by Roald Dahl. I've read this story in English class.
It's the story of a seventeen years old boy named Billy Weaver who has to go to Bath for work issues. It's late night when he arrives to the city, so he starts to search for a cheap hotel. Then he sees a house with a big sign on the window that offers bed and breakfast. He is welcomed into the house by an old lady, the owner of the hotel. She says that Billy is the only guest she has had in years. She's a bit strange and is all the time saying how handsome Billy is, which is a bit annoying for the young man. Billy discovers that, in the hotel, there have only been two other guests: Christopher Mulholland and Gregory Temple. Those names are familiar to Billy, but he can't remember why. When he asks the old lady, she doesn't answer. He also discovers that there are a parrot and a dog that have passed a taxidermy process. The old lady offers tea to Billy all the time and says that Mr. Temple and Mr. Mulholland never left, that they're still in the house.

Althought Billy doesn't realize what's the problem in the story, I do. If I was him I would have run away from the house. It's obvious that the old woman has two stuffed humans in the house, Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Temple. It's obvious too that she wants to do the same with Billy. She's going to kill him and he doesn't notice! I'm sorry but I think Billy is not very clever. I find that this is a very sinister story, but I liked it. Now I know that it's not good staying at a house where you're the only guest and where there are stuffed animals and a creepy old lady. I'm never going to do that after reading this story. Never ever.

The Landlady

MY WORLD: Preparing FIRST - Writting 2

As soon as Roy opened the door, he knew something was wrong. He walked into the living room, but found nothing. He stepped into the kitchen, nothing again. The feeling of loss filled the air. What had happened? Where were his parents? And his sister? Even his dog had disappeared. He went up stairs.

"Mom?" he called, but he recieved no answer. "This is no longer funny!"

He didn't find anything so he went downstairs and outside, to the garden. As soon as he passed a few trees, there was a lot of different sounds filling the air, and a loud "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ROY!" was heard. There they were. His parents, his sister, his dog and all of his friends and family. They had scared him!

MY WORLD: Preparing FIRST - Writting 1


From: Míriam López

Sent: 20th July 2008

Subject: Getting fit

Hi Jennie!
Sorry but I can't go running in the mornings with you because, unfortunately, I use to wake up just in time to get to the school bus. I know it's not a very good excuse but it's very important to me because it's the only way I can get to the highschool.

There are some gyms in our street. It's only ten minutes from your house, and I've heard they're well equiped.

I think that you'll get enough exercise if you go twice a week if you stay there for at least one hour and a half.

About the swimming classes, of course I can teach you! We could meet the next Friday in the public swimming pool.

Well, I have to go to meet my grandmother. See you soon!


Monday 2 December 2013

The Murders in the Rue Morgue

The Murders in the Rue Morgue is a novel written by Edgar Allan Poe. It's the story of a man that lives in Paris with his strange friend, Messieur Dupin. Dupin has a wonderful mind that allows him to know everything people are thinking or are going to do by just following logical thoughts. One day there are two mysterious murders in the Rue Morgue. Two dead women were found in their house by their neighbours, in really weird circumstances. The police is investigating who can be the murder, but Messieur Dupin and the narrator start their own investigation around the crime.

Personally I think that this novel is a bit strange. Dupin is a very interesting character that surprised me from the begginig with his convincing logic. The murders also surprised me because of the sadism they have. The end was kind of strange and weird. I mean, who could have imagined it? In the beggining I had suspections around Messieur Dupin, he knew too much. But I'm not going to tell you who the murder is, if you want to know you have to read the story.

Saturday 30 November 2013

MY WORLD: Everyday is a playlist

How is your mood today? Are you happy? Or maybe sad?

For me, there is a song for each situation, for each feeling that I have. I love to fill my days with music, with songs that make me happy, or that just adjust to what I think in the moment.

Music is something that makes me evade from everything: problems, daily routine... Everything. The only way I can make my mind go blank is listening to music. If you don't believe me you can try it. You just have to stare at something while you listen to music. See? It's easy!

Also, when I write something (because, as I said in 10 things that I like, I love to write and I want to be a writer), I usually listen to music, because it makes things seem more... glorious? Important? Deep? I don't know but it really inspires me. I usually listen to movie soundtracks when I write.

I usually like every type of music. It depends on the song, though. I want to believe that my playlists are variated, but I guess they're more pop, pop-rock and indie/alternative. Well, that's in general. I like Ed Sheeran, Lana del Rey, Vampire Weekend, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Passenger, One Direction, The xx, Imagine Dragons, Macklemore, Jason Walker, Marina and the Diamonds, The Neighbourhood... and many, many more!

I don't think there can be someone in the world that doesn't enjoy listening to music. I can't imagine a world without music, a world in silence, so quiet...  I could not stand at being deaf.

Well, here you have some songs!

Demons, by Imagine Dragons

Unbelievers, by Vampire Weekend

Wrecking Ball, by Miley Cyrus

Hope you enjoyed!

Monday 25 November 2013

MY WORLD: 10 things that I like

Today I'm going to talk about 10 things that I like. I don't think I can order them by their importance, but here's the list:

1. Rainy days. I really like rainy days, I like to spend them at home, warm in a blanket, listening to the raindrops against the window. I like the smell when it stops raining. Rainy days are peaceful days, and it seems to me that the rain washes away all the problems, making me get relaxed.

2. Tumblr. Tumblring all day is one of my hobbies. I started a while ago in this social website, where you can find photos, texts, gifs... You can also talk to other people, and they're usually nice! You can follow blogs, but also you have followers :)
You can visit my Tumblr here: unreaches.tumblr.com

3. Listening to music. Music is one of the few things that can relax me. I think I don't have a favourite type of music, I listen to every kind of songs. I usually spend all the afternoon listening to music with my headphones!

4. Writing. I love writing stories and I use to write down almost everything that goes through my mind. I love to collect quotes, too. Writing is something that makes me evade from the rest of the world. Althought I usually keep everything that I write for myself, I would like to become a writer someday.

5. Reading. Of course I like to read. Now, with school, I don't have much time to read books, but I would like to read more. I'm trying to read a book in English called The Fault in Our Stars, by John Green. Maybe if I finish it I'll make a post telling you about it.

6. Going to the cinema. I really, really like going to the cinema. Since I was a child, I've always gone to the cinema on Fridays, because the weekend comes next and I can go to sleep at late night. I love to go to the cinema of Roses, which I consider kind of a second home.

7. Meeting friends. I really like meeting my friends because they are so funny and we always have a good time toghether. We usually go on a walk around the town or sometimes make sleepovers. 

My friends and I

8. Singing. I have to clarify one thing, I AM NOT A GOOD SINGER. I usually sing when I'm alone at home, or when I'm in the car with my mom or my dad and a good song is playing on the radio. I wish I could remember Biology units as much as I remember nearly all the songs on the radio, that would be kind of a superpower.

9. Sweater Weather. I like that weather when you can feel warm with a sweater, a pull..., taking the boots, the scarves and the gloves out of the closet (it didn't sound that weird in my head). Althought I don't like when it's cold outside and I'm freezing.

10. Weekends and holidays. Seriously, who doesn't like holidays? Spending all day lying on the sofa or going shopping? I really love holidays and weekends! I get relaxed and get rid of all the highschool stress, what is really necessary.

My favourite horror film

I haven't seen many horror films because I get scared easily, but I think that my favourite horror film is The Woman in Black. It is based on a novel of the same name.
I saw it for the first time in the cinema and, I can tell, on the big screen was scarier.
The film is the story of Arthur Kipps, a young lawyer, widower, that has to travel to a lonely town, leaving his son in the city with the nanny. The reason why he has to go there is because a customer of his lawyer company has died suddenly, leaving all the paperwork undone. Arthur goes to the customer's house, the Eel Marsh house, but no one in the town wants to approach there. They say that the house is haunted by the spirit of the Woman in Black. In addition, the surrounding area of the house is a marshland that floods by hours. The villagers are scared because everytime someone sees the Woman in Black, the children of the village start to die. When Arthur is in the house, he sees the Woman in Black, and since that moment the curse starts.
I like this film so much because it's not the bloody type of film, it's more psychological horror. There are frightening moments, and it's full of tension, even in the end. The film soundtrack was scary too.
My favourite scene was the moment when Arthur approches his hand to touch the window paine, because there's a mark left by a hand, and when he touches it, the face of a screaming woman appears and frightens him.
The worst scene for me it's the one when Arthur goes to his friend's house and his friend's wife starts to say and do weird things like if she was possessed.
Well, here you have the trailer!

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Comic relief

The comic relief is a funny scene in a horror/suspense movie. It's often used in horror films to free the constant tension for a moment. 
I laughed in some horror films, in that comic relief. I laughed in the film Sleepy Hollow, when the main character, Ichabod Crane, was frightened, hiding behind the blankets of his bed, because he had seen the headless horseman. Also, it was very funny when he fainted.

And that's a comic relief!

Monday 11 November 2013


Alfred Hitchcock was the master of suspense. His most famous film is Psycho. He often used psychopaths (murderers, serial killers, sociopath, mad people...) in his films. He used to film the shadows to get more suspense.

Alfred Hitchcock

Trailer of Psycho (1960)

The psychological horror story

The story of the Tell-Tale Heart, written by Edgar Allan Poe, is about a mad man that lives in a big house with an old man. This old man has a white eye, and the mad man is obsess with it. He wants to get rid off the eye and he kills the old man. He hides the body under the floor. Two policemen come to the house and ask about the old man, but he says that the old man is on hollyday. He invites the policemen to a cup of tea but the teapot breakes and the sound reminds the mad man of the sound o the old man's heart. He gets mad and tells the policemen that he has killed the old man. The mad man goes to jail.

The inventor of the PHS (Psychological Horror Story) is Edgar Allan Poe, and the first macabre story he wrote is Metzengerstein, which was first published in 1832.

He also invented the Detective Stories and was a pioneer of the science fiction.

Edgar Allan Poe

Wednesday 6 November 2013

The Gothic Novel

Today I'm going to talk about gothic novels.

A gothic novel is a kind of novel that includes mystery, fear and, sometimes, magical or supernatural elements that cannot be explained. The gothic novel appeared in the eighteenth century and it's related to Romaticism.

The gothic novel was invented by Horace Walpole. His novel, The Castle of Otranto, is considered the first gothic novel.  It was first published in 1764.

Some elements that neither me nor my teammates included in our horror elements' list are these: the atmosphere of mystery and suspense, ancient prophecies, omens, portents and visions, footsteps approaching, haste, largeness, thunderstruck, old castles or mansions, darkness, uncontrollable rage, sorrow, despair, anguish, something or someone wretched, possessions, dread and many more you can find here.

Writing for the exam

There are a lot of things that make me happy. Meeting my sisters and friends after a long time, for example, or the weekend. When I’m happy I use to listen to music, laugh a lot and, if it’s Friday, maybe o to the cinema.
There aren’t many things that make me sad. It makes me sad when I can’t see my sisters because they’re in Barcelona. Mondays make me sad, too, because they’re very tiring. Also, when people die, I’m very sad. Sometimes I cry when I’m sad, or I spend all the afternoon lying on the sofa, watching TV. To get better I always listen to music (or eat some chocolate).
There are a lot of things that make me stressed. Homework and exams get the first place in the list of stressing things in my life, because they’re very tiring! There’s only one way for me to fight stress: music.
I think music is the only thing that’s always with me, no matter in what mood I am.

Monday 14 October 2013

My world: favourite song :)

Today I'm going to talk about my favourite song. I have a lot of favourite songs, but I chose this one because I like it very much. Some people may think that a favourite song is the one that makes you dance every time you listen to it, or makes you happy when you're sad. We could say that mine is about love.

My favourite song is Bonfire heart, by James Blunt.

This song is about a person that has waited a long time for being loved in return by someone. It seems that the love story in this song is a true love one, placed in a cold world where people don't care about the others' feelings. I find the lyrics very beautiful. 

I love this song because it makes me calm, and relaxes me. I found this song a while ago, and I always start to sing when it plays on the radio. 

Maybe someday I can talk about other wonderful songs that I love (i would love it)! And about my favourite singers and bands!
I couldn't decide which song to write about, but I wish you like it!


Lyrics translated!

La teva boca és un revòlver
disparant bales al cel.
El teu amor és com un soldat,
leial fins que moris.

I he estat mirant les estrelles
durant molt, molt temps,
he estat extinguint focs,
tota la meva vida.
Tothom vol una flama,
però ningú es vol cremar.
I avui és el nostre moment.

Dies com aquests porten a,
Nits com aquestes porten a
un amor com el nostre.
Encens la espurna a la foguera del meu cor.

La gent com nosaltres
no necessita molt,
només algú que comenci el foc
a les fogueres dels nostres cors.

Aquest món es torna més fred,
els desconeguts passen de llarg.
Ningú t'ofereix una espatlla (ajuda),
ningú et mira als ulls.

Però t'he estat mirant
durant molt, molt temps,
intentant arribar fins a tu,
fer-te meva (meu).
Tothom vol una flama,
però ningú es vol cremar.
I avui és el nostre moment.

Dies com aquests porten a,
Nits com aquestes porten a
un amor com el nostre.
Encens la espurna a la foguera del meu cor.

La gent com nosaltres
no necessita molt,
només algú que comenci el foc
a les fogueres dels nostres cors (x3)
Tu ets com l'espurna.

La gent com nosaltres
no necessita molt,
només algú que comenci el foc
a les fogueres dels nostres cors

Dies com aquests porten a,
Nits com aquestes porten a
un amor com el nostre.
Encens la espurna a la foguera del meu cor.

La gent com nosaltres
no necessita molt,
només algú que comenci el foc
a les fogueres dels nostres cors - (x2)

That's it! Hope you liked it!

Wednesday 9 October 2013

A hero in my life

I've been thinking a lot about who my hero could be and I chose Angelina Jolie. It's not only because she's a great actress and guionist, there are other things she does. She promotes humanitarian causes, works with human societies to help children and refugees, specially from the third-world countries, and has adopted a few children, what is always positive. I admire her because she is an independent, brave and dedicated woman who cares about people that really need help. I think that a little help it's always good, and I would like to be able to help the way she does. 

Anyone who helps, in any way, is a hero for me, and there are lots of people like Angelina Jolie that are heroes. We all can be heroes, we just have to be brave.

Multiple intelligences

Well, so these are my intelligences :)

This graphic can show the different intelligences that people have. This is my graphic, and here you can see the different levels of my multiple intelligences. There are eight intelligences: kinaesthetic (body smart), linguistic, logical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, musical, visual/spatial and naturalistic.

My most remarkable intelligence is musical smart, which can be true because I play piano since I was six years old and I really love music! If I put my intelligences in order, it is: musical first, the second is intrapersonal, interpersonal and visual/spatial are equal on the third position, the fourth is linguistic, naturalistic and logical are equal on the fifth position and the last one is kinaesthetic (body smart).

I agree with some of the intelligences like musical, because, as I said before, I play an instrument and I really love music, intrapersonal, because I think that I know myself well, body smart, because I'm not very keen on sports, naturalistic and logical, these kinda surprised me because I didn't think that I would get that levels (I don't consider myself that clever). And about interpersonal intelligence I had no idea what I would take, because I'm quite shy.

I like the careers that I saw in the musical or intrapersonal intelligences, they are interesting, an I'm glad that there are too many.

Here you can visit the page where I did the test, and this is the page where you can see the different careers of the different intelligences.

Monday 30 September 2013

The animal in me

So I took the test and I got the mole!

Personally I don't like this animal, but I guess I have a similar personality. The results I got match me a little bit, but not totally. The careers like poetry, music and designing are some that I like. My results said that I am hard-working   and that I reach most of my goals, that I don't like to play sports (a bit true, but it depends on the sport!). It said that I wear glasses (true), that I have a pale skin (true). It says that I like to go out at night to musical bars, which I think it's true. It says that I don't like to be with people: false!
Can I say again that I don't like this animal? It's appearance, I mean. If I met a mole, I would feel scared, not identified...
But althought the mole is not the most beautiful animal on earth, after I read the results, I can say it's quite similar to me.
So, that's my animal! Bye!

Monday 23 September 2013

My dreams

I think I have too many dreams, but there are three in particular that seem the most important to me.

The first is to become a famous writer. Of course, this one is very difficult. Firstly, it's very difficult to think about a good story to write, then write it. But I think the most difficult thing is to get someone to publish your novel. Then, to succeed! But I want this dream to become true so bad, so I'm going to try.

The second isn't less important. I would like to live in London for a long time. I've always wanted to visit this city, and I think it would be nice to live there, because of the culture, the people... To reach that I have to have a good level of English, and also courage.

The third, and the one that seems more difficult, is to travel all around the world. I would love to visit lots of countries, seeing different things. The problem is that I need a lot of money, and that is always difficult to get.

Well and that's it! Bye!